‘This Is What I Want To Say’ is the product of a 40 year musical journey. Highs and lows, anger and joy, belief and doubt reflected in raw and honest observations of Martyn Joseph‘s sojourn and the state of play today. A stripped back acoustic render reflects his weapon of choice that has provided hope and solace and a commentary of companionship to a worldwide army of ardent fans for decades through his passionate commitment to social justice, mystery, and love.
‘From a vast goodbye to a small hello’ he writes in ‘Folding’, the opening song of surrender and resilience, and where else would you find an album calling for the elimination of a tyrant alongside a call for greater love and empathy.
Embracing the contradictions and beauty with a fearless pen, Joseph continues to cut an impressive path. If you’re looking for truth, these songs will anchor you to a horizon of hope.
Label: Pipe Records
UPC: 5060023440660 (CD) | 5060023440684 (LP)
Catalogue Number: PRCD039 (CD) | PRLP039 (LP)
Release Date: 12 January 2024